Sort "human-readable" sizes in bash


The sort command has a -h switch which allows it to sort “human-readable” sizes in the output of other commands:

$ du -cksh
220K   	argparse
 36K   	balanced-match
 32K   	base64-js
 24K   	brace-expansion
 28K   	concat-map
 68K   	glob
 24K   	inflight
 24K   	inherits
2.1M   	lodash
 44K   	minimatch
 64K   	mkpath
 20K   	node-version-compare
 16K   	once
 16K   	path-is-absolute
516K   	plist
 24K   	rimraf
 76K   	sax
 76K   	underscore
 72K   	underscore.string
 24K   	util-deprecate
 20K   	wrappy
4.5M   	xml2js
104K   	xmlbuilder
100K   	xmldom
936K   	yamljs
9.1M   	total

$ du -cksh * | sort -h
 16K   	once
 16K   	path-is-absolute
 20K   	node-version-compare
 20K   	wrappy
 24K   	brace-expansion
 24K   	inflight
 24K   	inherits
 24K   	rimraf
 24K   	util-deprecate
 28K   	concat-map
 32K   	base64-js
 36K   	balanced-match
 44K   	minimatch
 64K   	mkpath
 68K   	glob
 72K   	underscore.string
 76K   	sax
 76K   	underscore
100K   	xmldom
104K   	xmlbuilder
220K   	argparse
516K   	plist
936K   	yamljs
2.1M   	lodash
4.5M   	xml2js
9.1M   	total

On OS X the built-in sort does not support -h. Fortunately, the GNU sort can be used as gsort after coreutils are installed:

$ brew install coreutils
$ du -cksh * | gsort -h